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Vision & Mission

What is TAM:

Many people living in the Memphis area are now readily familiar with the acronym TAM which stands for Telugu Association of Memphis.


Mission statement:

TAM is a non profit organization established with a mission statement to preserve the Telugu Samskriti (Culture), Sahithi (Literature) and Sampradayam(Tradition) in telugu speaking people of Memphis area.



Since its inception in 1981 TAM has grown into an organization working with a holistic approach of bringing all telugu speaking people of the area under a common roof to cater to their cultural, social and literary needs.


TAM comprises of a board of trustees who serve for a term of three years and an executive committee that will be elected on a yearly basis. Both the teams work in unison to achieve the goals of the organization.

Aims and Objectives:

In a nutshell it caters to the cultural, social and literary needs of the Telugu people migrated from India .It works to imbibe the same into their children who are raised here in USA.

TAM celebrates all the major annual Telugu festivals such as Sankranti, Ugadi. It also commemorates the people who sacrificed their lives to bring us our separate state by celebrating the AP formation day.

TAM Strongly encourages participation by members as well as all the interested individuals and families living in the area. Other social events include annual picnic during summer, organizing special cultural events and music concerts by distinguished artists from India.


  1. Bring together the Telugu community living in Memphis area

  2. Perpetuate Telugu culture, literature, traditions, and values; integrating them into modern life by publicizing Telugu related cultural events.

  3. Organize and promote literary, cultural, educational, social, and community activities of the Telugu people living in the area.

  4. Solicit, raise, and disburse funds for charitable, cultural, religious and educational activities directly or in cooperation with other non-profit organizations.

  5. Raise funds for natural disasters either directly or in cooperation with other non-profit organizations.

  6. Promote the understanding of Telugu literature, art, culture, music, dance, and drama among the children of Telugu speaking people.

Please click here for By Laws Of Telugu Association Of Memphis
